Transition Period to Substitute Diapers with Chamber Pot for the Babies

And now she has grown up! Because her using chamber pot rather than diapers is really a sign of growth.

For this reason, this week at Mom’s Land, we will review the transition to chamber pot, a very important subject to which parents pay special importance.

Transition from diapers to chamber pot is a simple process for some families. However it can be very troublesome for many others. Transition to chamber pot, a very critical period for development of your baby, could turn into play for some children. If you want to have such an easy transition period, you may make use of tips that we have gathered from expert opinions. 

Make sure she is ready!

While some children can recognize their toilet need when they are just 18 months old, this can last up to 3 years for some others. There is nothing to worry about. In short, it is very difficult to strictly determine a certain age for your baby’s transition to chamber pot. According to information gathered from experts, it can be said that children are ready for toilet training between 18 month and 3 years. On average, toilet training can be started at the age of 2. 

Then, how can we manage this process as a parent?

Before introducing the chamber pot, you can start making some small trials. For example, check whether she can follow small and easy instructions. Can she make small preparations and sit down on the chamber pot? Make observations. Do not force anything on your baby. Let the things develop naturally on-her-own.

It is known that boys need more time in getting ready for the chamber pot. That’s why parents who have both sons and daughters should refrain from making comparisons between them.  Moreover, make sure your babies use easy-to-wear clothes. Children at that age cannot show the hand skills of an adult. Trousers with belts and suspenders, shirts and clothes dressed over one another could create situations that are difficult for them to overcome.

Do you have the right equipment?

Contrary to what is known, not all chamber pots are the same. Wrong equipment could delay the release of your baby from diapers.

If the chamber pot you have purchased has a standard size, it may not fit with your baby. To overcome this, you may need to buy an additional cap. You can also buy caps for use over adult toilets, if you would like to shorten the adaptation period of your child to normal toilet. In that case, you should also buy a footstool to help your kid reach up to toilet easily. The non-slippery- seated stool will serve as a step so that your child can easily reach up to the toilet by using it.

Some chamber pots are sold together with protective frames to ensure hygiene. Some of these frames may be difficult to sit on for your child. It is more important for her to get used to the chamber pot rather than using this apparatus. You can discover how comfortable your child feels by observing her habits and you can get accessories accordingly.

Never force your baby!

Your neighbor’s child may sit on chamber pot, yours need not. Forcing children at sensitive ages about sensitive issues is not right.

Pediatricians recommend us giving new toys to them to play with while sitting on the chamber pot.  If she likes listening to stories, you can also try reading one.

As in all other areas, the more you make toilet training resemble a game, the more successful and effective it can be.