What Are the Signs of Pregnancy?

Could your dream “to become a mother” you have had for a while be coming true? Do you feel weak and sleepy out of the blue? Maybe you have repeated nausea as well? Then, these may be the signs that the little member of your family is on its way, which will make you a mother and your spouse, a father.

This Mom’s Land article deals with the signs of pregnancy. You are recommended to read this article if you wish to be informed about the bodily changes during the initial stages of pregnancy.


How to Know If You Are Pregnant?

Besides the pregnancy test you can make at home or the blood test at a hospital, you can also know if you are pregnant from several unusual reactions your body manifests. Some of these signs may originate from the hormonal balance which begins changing with the onset of pregnancy. In general, pregnancy signs can be listed as follows:

Late period: It is one of the clearest signs of pregnancy. If the menstruation does not occur within the expected period of time, then you may consider the possibility of pregnancy. You should note that, however, each and every case of a late period does not indicate pregnancy. From time to time, drug use, sharp weather changes, excessive stress and hormonal disorders may delay the menstruation period as well.

Weakness: Pregnant women feel weaker and more tired due to the progesterone hormone which is increased in pregnancy. The will to sleep earlier, having difficulty waking up in the morning and the weakness kicking in strongly at noon in the office may be the indications that you are pregnant.

Increased vaginal discharge: The onset of pregnancy actually manifests itself mostly through hormonal changes. One of these changes is the increased vaginal discharge. As the hormonal effect is increased due to pregnancy, the vaginal region loosens and the circulation to this area is increased. You should not be alarmed if the discharge is white or colorless, odorless or painless.

Darkened nipples and sensitive breasts: Among the best known signs of pregnancy onset are darkened nipples and sensitive breasts. The pain and swelling women feel in their breasts may be caused by pregnancy. This pain is particularly felt before sleeping, turning onto one’s side in one’s sleep, and while putting on clothes or having a bath. This is generally caused by the body’s self-preparation for breast milk production and breastfeeding. Darkened nipples are caused by the same reasons as well.

Dizziness and fainting: Blood pressure of the pregnant women decreases, which is a totally natural change. Thus, sudden movements may cause dizziness. For instance, if you suddenly stand up, you may feel dizzy, or even faint, due to the decreased blood pressure. Therefore, seeing your doctor as soon as learning that you are pregnant and increasing your movement with regular exercise recommended by your doctor may be a solution for this problem.

Frequent urination: One of the pregnancy signs is frequent urination. Greatly affecting your daily life, this change may last throughout your pregnancy. The change in urine color may also be a sign of pregnancy.

Cravings and being disturbed by the smell of some foods and meals: Being one of the typical signs of pregnancy, increased appetite generally manifests itself as cravings. Due to craving which can be defined as “over-fondness of some foods during pregnancy”, you may feel an immense desire for some foods and meals. As an opposite possibility, you may develop a dislike for some foods, and even hate them. All these are among the changes pregnancy causes in your body.

Being disturbed by smoking and alcohol: Even if you are smoker and/or drinker, with the onset of pregnancy you are revolted by the smell of cigarettes and alcohol. This may be considered to be your body’s early warning system against smoking and alcohol which you should certainly keep off during pregnancy and the subsequent breastfeeding period.

Acne on the skin or increase in the number of the existing ones: As the number of pigments on your skin increases with pregnancy, you may have acnes on your skin or see an increase in the number of the existing ones.

Inflammation of the urinary tract: If you are pregnant, your urine glucose level rises and circulation through your kidneys increases. Thus, you may suffer from urinary tract inflammation due to pregnancy.

Nausea: Nausea, which is seen during the initial period of pregnancy, mostly from 6th to 12th month, and also known as the “morning sickness” since it manifests itself in the morning, is one of the most common signs of pregnancy. Making your daily life difficult, this may last all day long from time to time. This condition is caused by increased blood levels of HCG, which is known as the pregnancy hormone.

Frequent constipation and heartburn: As from the onset of pregnancy, the womb begins swelling, thus compressing the stomach. Besides, the changing hormonal balance can make digestion harder as well. Due to these effects, you may have frequent constipation and heartburn. These are common changes seen during pregnancy. If you begin eating frequently between the meals, these problems may be mitigated.

Sudden mood changes: Pregnancy can be understood not only from the bodily changes but also from the mood changes. The main reason for this is the hormonal changes in the body. Therefore, you may get angry all of a sudden and for no reason, or feel stressed for no particular reason. You may experience mood changes in very short intervals.

Pain, swelling or pricking sensation in the groin area: Pregnancy is a condition in which the ligaments binding uterus to the body are stretched. Therefore, in case of a sudden movement, you may feel pain and hardness, and a sensation of swelling or pricking in the groin area.

Increased body temperature: Fever, i.e. increased body temperature, is one of the indicators of pregnancy as well. Note, however, that each case of high fever is not a sign of pregnancy. Your body temperature may also increase due to catching cold or flu as a result of staying between two opposite currents of air or staying in cold weather for a long time. Still, if you are in the process of getting pregnant and have a markedly high fever, you are recommended to see your doctor. You may feel slight fever and think that you have caught cold. Do not forget to monitor your body temperature throughout pregnancy as well.