Baby’s recognition of sounds and learning how to speak

Every time we witness her making a healthy progress, we become happier. One of these occasions is to see her recognize sounds and start learning how to speak. 

“Oh! My baby has talked.”

Until the age of two, the sound recognition and learning how to speak is more related with how healthy the sense of hearing is. Although formation of hearing organs is completed in mother’s womb, you should not forget to follow tests carried out by doctors related to this matter. You should also take into account the doctors’ and experts’ opinions on baby’s recognition of sounds, reactions and learning to speak.

For example between 0 and 2nd months, babies start staring at the face of person who is speaking; they react by smiling; and make sounds other than crying. This period is also called receptive language period. In terms of supporting this period of “receptive language”, it is useful to look at her face when she is awake, to call her with a soft tone of voice, to speak simple phrases, to sing songs with slow rhythms. Try to talk to her while meeting her needs and after that as well.

When the baby is 3-6 months old, a period called “babbling” starts. In this period, repeating the voices that the baby makes or producing similar sounds could support her social and language development as she learns to wait for her turn in speaking. Through this way, the baby discovers that speaking is a mutual activity.

Babies between 6th and 9th months begin distinguishing different words, recognizing their names and repeating sounds and voices.  During this period, you can talk about specific topics to help them learn new concepts. 

Be a model for her in showing some basic words with uncomplicated picture books. Picture books and audio books are the best toys for language development during and after this period.

Between 9th and 12th months, babies gradually start repeating meaningless syllables. They can understand some short words and instructions. They can also express their wishes with simple sounds as well as with use of body language. Making language learning a game in the general flow of everyday life will increase your baby's desire to learn more.

Between 12nd and 18th months, babies start to speak the words of “mom” and “dad”. From 15th month onwards, capacity of her vocabulary increases considerably. In this period, you should try to often speak the names of the objects and persons that the baby knows closely and give her the opportunity to repeat these names.  Be patient. Try to tell simple stories which are appropriate for her age, by using picture books if possible. This will enable the baby to recognize the objects, which she has seen in the stories in picture books, within the reality of her daily life.

As they pass from infancy to childhood, between 18-24 months, they start building simple sentences with 2 words. During this period, they can understand and comply with complicated instructions. In this period you should start teaching her singing simple children’s songs. You can also read picture and audio books together, you may ask her to tell the story by looking at the pictures and by listening to the voices.

Among others, the following activities could be helpful in supporting your baby’s skills to learn speaking: 

- Read plenty of books to your baby. Your baby will not understand the story, but this will trigger her speaking and encourage her to imitate sounds and voices.

- If possible, read picture containing real photos with vibrant colors. While you are reading, animate the story with your facial expressions and voice accents.

- Imitate your baby. Try to encourage your baby to respond and imitate you as well.

- When she responds to you, applaud, smile and show your support with positive and loving gestures.