Role of Parents on Early Babyhood Development

This week on Mom’s Land, we will be discussing the role of parents, specifically mothers, on the development of their newborn babies. Parents play the most crucial role in their child’s development and if you can lay a solid foundation for your newborn to later build upon, then they will be set for life. If this is your first child or you have already a child, it is important to know how you can start contributing to your newborn’s development and well-being as it is the most beneficial to start early.

It is important if you are still in the hospital or if you are simply in a doctor’s office for a check-up on your baby that you work with the staff and ask questions and make sure that you are well informed on how your baby is being taken care of. It is important that you know what is going on so you can remain an ever present being in your newborn’s life. A newborn especially needs a lot of love, attention, and affection as well as almost constant reassurance. If a newborn is raised knowing they are loved, they will be happier in the long run. By letting your newborn breastfeed you are doing more than feeding your baby, you are creating an unbreakable bond that is important in forming a solid foundation for your newborn. They need to feel cared for and taken care of to feel they are safe and secure with you.

It may seem difficult at first but you will learn to understand what your baby needs. Look at their body language and the sound of their noises. If they turn away from you, they might need some quiet time. If they are very fussy and active, they are probably hungry or need some help calming down. You can tell a lot about a baby by how they are acting, so even though they cannot yet talk, they are telling you what they need to help them feel secure. Your role in all of this is to form a strong bond with your baby and make them feel like they are not alone in this strange new place. 

Your role as a new parent is one that should not be taken lightly but is such a reward. You have to constantly pay attention to what your baby is telling you so you can make them feel loved and cared for. When they feel secure, their developmental process will go so much smoother.